Q: Is it safe?
A: Yes. We have been operating for many years now with a 98% delivery rate. Our clients have never been put into trouble so wont start now!!
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: Yes we ship worldwide.
Q: Has my order been posted?
A: If the market showed its shipped It is.
Q: When will my order arrive?
A: We don’t know exactly But vast majority of orders arrive 2 to 3 days from the date its marked as shipped. But don’t worry if it takes up to 5 during Canada post busy periods.
Q: I Have ordered more than one product to the same address Will this be sent as one package?
A: We try to ensure that all multi orders are bundled Unless requested otherwise by customer. To ensure a combined order state your multiple order with your address.
Q: Can I have a free sample
A: No
Q: My order has not arrived yet What do i do?
A: Please do NOT message us until 7 working days has passed. Delays do occur even though rare and sometimes your order may be miss-routed and be delayed. Once 7 days working has past fell free to message us.
Q: Can you make me a customer order?
A: Yes if its over $500 If under more than likely not.
Q: I Have a special request How do I do this?
A: For all orders that have any special request This MUST be placed with your address in the Delivery Address box when ordering and not in a PM as during busy periods orders will be processed before messages.